5 Nisan 2018 Perşembe

Teknik Teferruat


Record CCGT Efficiency (October 2018)
Power Magazine (www.powermag.com) reported in October 2018 that the Nishi Nagoya plant in Japan achieved an efficiency of 63.08%.  The plant has two blocks of GE 3-3-1 7HA.01 multi-shaft turbines, with each block producing 1,188 MW. The article reports that the turbines can ramp up to full load in 30 minutes.

Kogan Creek Electricity Costs
The Australian (6/4/2018) quoting“Fuel and Technology Cost Review” conducted by ACIL Allen Consulting in 2014 for the Australian Energy Market Operator.

The following is the cost breakdown for coal-fired power generated by Kogan Creek. The Kogan Creek Power Station is a 750 megawatt supercritical coal fired power station owned by CS Energy on the Darling Downs in Queensland. It is air-cooled.

The cost of recouping capital expenditure 15.6 $/MWh
Cost of fuel 8.0 $/MWh
Fixed O&M 6.8 $/MWh
Variable O&M 0.5 $/MWh
Tax (State and Federal) 4.1 $/MWh
TOTAL 35.0 $/MWh

  • Latin America holds 8% of the world’s population but 38% of its criminal killing. Around 140,000 people were killed in 2017 only, more than have been lost in wars around the world in almost all of the years of the 21st century. (The Economist, 7/4/2018)


  • The aerospace division of PPG imitate dark-purple skin of aubergines in aircraft painting. Instead of absorbing infra-red radiation, an aubergine’s skin permits such wavelengths to pass through. They are then reflected back out again by the vegetable’s white interior flesh. That way, an aubergine in a sunny field remains cool. By dispersing specially engineered pigments in a dark-coloured surface layer over the top of a reflective white underlayer, PPG was able to achieve the same thing for aircraft paint. (The Economist, 7/4/2018)

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